What Parts of Myself Have I been Ignoring, Neglecting, or Denying?
This question clutches at me when I read it over in the list mentioned in my last post on eliciting heart wisdom. Credit for the question goes to author Barbara DeAngelis.
Reading the question stirs up an ache within me. I can feel the answer surface immediately. It comes through as a strong yearning to spend more time in creating. I feel cranky and out of sorts from dealing with so much left-brained minutia - constant details that have me scattering myself personally and professionally.
As I review January, I realize it was an intense month for me. My mother passed from this life early in that month. I have spent a lot of time in both processing my grief, and in playing catch up in all parts of my life that were put on hold during the last week of Dec. and the first week of January.
As life resumes a semblance of normalcy and well-being, I experience my thunderbolt. It's time for me to build in the structure, through outside assistance, to give myself the space and time to create. I need help in lifting some of the linear load off my shoulders so I can get to the creative/expressive/juicier stuff.
How committed am I to making the shift in my personal life ? In my business? My business partner and I just made the decision to get an outside office (lease in hand), and to take steps to legalize our partnership. That is only the beginning. We need to bring in another person to handle our minutia. Only then will we have the time freed up to take our business to the next level. It's a big change, a stretch for us, one that requires additional financial resources.
Likewise, in my personal life I need to hire a cleaning person to care for our home on a regular basis. I had one for years when we lived in Ohio. Since our move to South Carolina, I haven't used one. And our house is much bigger here. I spend so much time on weekends worrying about getting it cleaned, or worrying that I haven't cleaned it, that I feel stressed. A cleaning person is a form of nurturing for me. Take that cleaning load off of me and I know my creative output will skyrocket.
The beauty of the question within a question (discussed in my last post) lies in the depth at which the information comes back to me. It starts in my heart, and then goes to my head. I feel the change I need to make, and feel ready to do it. Someone could have come in months ago and told me to get a cleaning person. It's logical. But I'm discovering that shifts rarely happen in the head.
Before I wrote this post, I sent off an email to a discussion forum in our subdivision, asking for names of housecleaners. I'm ready, Universe, send me the housecleaner best for me. And you might want to throw in additional financial resources too!
What part of yourself have you been ignoring or neglecting?