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March 03, 2008


Andrea|Empowered Soul

Hi Debbie,

So glad to hear that you are consciously utilizing your Guides - and it's working great!! I'm always thrilled to hear stories like yours, since I consider our Spirit Guides one of our most under-used resources!

The best thing is that the more you ask and listen, the louder their responses become. I'm excited for you!



Awesome Baby!

What I loved Debbie was that you didn't think it was too small or too large a request. Our Guides love them all - size does not matter! Another piece I love, and you are so beautiful at, is being the gratitude you have for your Guides! Well done my friend and you are an inspiration to all!

In One Heart,

Deb Call

Andrea - I appreciate hearing from you that as I make this more of a habit with my Spirit Guides, they in turn will become louder in their response.

Hey Terry - I hadn't realized until you said it that our Guides truly don't distinguish between the big requests and the small ones. Size doesn't matter in the Spirit World!

Patricia - Spiritual Journey Of A Lightworker

Debbie, I also am learning that nothing is too big or too small to ask if it is what I really want.

Deb Call

Patricia, it would be very reinforcing to hear from others like yourself, if you feel inclined, to share what you have asked for. Thanks for stopping by!

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