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August 02, 2009



What a beautiful and honest statement of where you are. In such times, I tell myself (or someone close to me may say) that I am where I need to be. Sometimes that helps. Transitions, ambiguity are tough. Buddha is reported to have said, "Waiting is the hardest thing." Whether he said it or not, I agree.

May you sense consoling energy nearby.

Deb Call

Thank you Dan for your kind comments. Part of what these challenging transitions call for is rethinking my "perception." Within everything, including loss, lie the golden nuggets. I hope I can hold on to the long view when I am called to do that.

Barbara Sliter

Deb, this touched me and got me thinking..and actually I wrote a poem for you which I've posted on my site, hopefully tonight. (Too long to put here.)
You are a gift. Thanks, Barbara

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